
Medify Care

Medify Care Development Document


Medify Api is a vital signs and biomarkers monitoring system that integrates different IoT devices in search of monitoring the evolution of chronic diseases, developing algorithms and preventive predictive models and providing permanent assistance to people who suffer from them.


How does it work


We use smart connected devices, personalized digital guidance, and access to healthcare professionals to help people with chronic conditions stay healthier. It is a system that monitors vital signs and other biomarkers for the population with medium and medium-high risk pathologies. Through technological tools – software and hardware – we monitor and help to deal with chronic diseases in the best possible way, reducing readmissions and substantially improving the quality of life of our patients, knowing that prevention and monitoring improve people’s quality of life. with chronic diseases on the one hand and on the other significantly lower the cost of health care.


Monitoring and follow-up


Each of the patients will have a coach in charge who will look at the evolution of each of these biomarkers – according to the chronic disease – and will provide assistance to the patient in the process. Through Push Notifications and WhatsApp messages, he will insist on not having data and will work to improve the patient’s quality of life through multiple strategies: refer him to other health professionals (cardiologist, nutritionist, etc.) , it will offer non-invasive advice (“Your activity monitor is low, don’t you think it’s a good idea to go for a walk?”) and it will provide motivational messages to strengthen the goals achieved.

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